Why Choose The JBL Technology Group?

Hiring a consultant is an investment. Moreover, it's tempting to cut costs by talking directly to service providers without input from a consultant. After all, quality service providers will gather requirements, plan the project, and manage it, so why spend more money to have a consultant do the same thing? 

Though a service provider and a consultant may indeed duplicate roles, they do so with distinctly different perspectives -- the consultant advocates for the best interests of the client.

A service provider will act in its own interest, and that may result in higher project costs or solutions that don't meet the project objectives or both. 
An independent consultant plays a vital watchdog role to ensure that the service provider delivers what the client needs, not what the provider wants to deliver.

Nothing will turn away these prospective recruits like archaic technology. If your company is using 10-year-old laptops and running patched-up, buggy software, then it can’t expect to successfully attract up-and-coming professionals.

With an extensive product knowledge and general product agnosticism, a JBL tech advisor can give you objective advice about which relevant, cost-effective technology solutions could replace your existing options.

We also teach you and your staff how to keep up with technology trends,
namely presenting you with research and giving you resources to review. Perhaps even more important than the advice they offer, technology
consultants empower both heads of IT and their businesses to be competitive
in their respective fields.

Ultimately, a technology advisor will understand your business’ needs, starting with processes. Their goal will be to support you and to improve those processes.